You might have heard the term “buddy read” floating around on BookTok or Bookstagram recently. But what does a buddy read mean? This page will explain what a buddy read is and how you can get started.

A photo of two people reading books at a table. The top of the photo fades to white and has a text overlay that reads "what a “buddy read” means and how you can get started." The website link is at the bottom of the image.

What does it mean?

Simply put, a buddy read is when two or more people plan to read a book at the same time and talk about it. For example, if both you and your friend have been planning to read Howl’s Moving Castle by Diana Wynne Jones, a buddy read is a great way to keep both of you accountable and have ongoing conversations as you both read the book. Think of a buddy read as a mini book club, typically with more meetings (though these can be by text, phone, video call, or in person, and as often or not as you like!).

How to get started with a buddy read

Steps one and two: pick the book and a partner (or a partner, then a book!)

Depending on your situation, you can either choose a book first and then find someone to read it with (such as asking a friend or convincing a sibling or partner) or first find someone who is interested in a buddy read. After you’ve found a partner, then you two can compare TBRs (that is, books on your to-be-read lists) and choose something together! Another option for a longer-term buddy read is to alternate choosing books — this way, you and your friend can have the other read their favorite books, especially if it’s outside the other’s general genres.

Step three: discuss how to plan your reading

The best buddy reads begin with a clear understanding of how often you and your partner(s) in reading want to discuss the book, and what benchmarks you two want to have in place. It can be annoying for everyone involved if one person reads the entire book before the other has even gotten halfway — making sure no spoilers slip out is really tricky! So make sure you plan before you start when you want to have both read a certain number of pages, sections, or chapters, so you’re both on the same page. 😉

Step four: enjoy the book and conversation!

After that, the only thing that is left to do is to begin your buddy read. Have fun with your book and conversations. Don’t stress too much if you miss deadlines, and remember — there are no rules! As long as you both have fun, it is a perfect buddy read experience.