By now, you’ve probably heard of Holly Jackson’s novel, A Good Girl’s Guide to Murder. This popular YA mystery novel (the first in a trilogy) has been a hit with mystery readers, true crime enthusiasts, and fans of compelling stories in general. The first time I read Jackson’s novel I actually laughed, cried, and could not put it down — and although that’s a common phrase, it’s 100% the truth here!

For a quick summary, A Good Girl’s Guide to Murder follows a high school senior, Pippa, who investigates an infamous murder in her small town for an academic senior project. However, the endeavor quickly grows in scope as Pippa tries to prove that the teenager everyone believed did it was innocent. The book has sweet partnerships, explores family dynamics, is intricately plotted, and even has an evidence board or “murder map” (with the red string and pictures). It will have you changing your mind about who’s really guilty until the very end.

Whether you’ve read this book, or are about to, this post is here to explain the best and most popular quotes from A Good Girl’s Guide to Murder. We’ll put them in context to refresh your memory — or perhaps persuade you to finally read the novel!

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What are the best quotes?

Now let’s go through some of the most famous quotes from this book (perhaps you’ve seen them in a TikTok or Instagram reel) and add some context.

“The people you love weren’t algebra: to be calculated, subtracted, or held at arm’s length across a decimal point.”

This line in the first few chapters sets the tone for Pippa’s character. It shows her compassionate and thoughtful nature as the narrator describes her feelings towards her step-dad and half-brother.

“I was just wondering if I could borrow a second of your time? Well, not only a second, we’re already way past that….Maybe like a few sequential seconds, if you can spare them?”

This is probably my favorite quote in the whole book! It comes early on when Pippa introduces herself to the supposed villain’s brother, Ravi Singh, and asks if she could talk to him. The awkward and sweet rambling is both relatable and hilarious. And as a bonus, there’s a reference to the “sequential seconds” line near the end of the book!

“And I made muffins.” “Like bribery muffins?” “That’s what the recipe said, yeah.”

This cute remark is when Pippa and Ravi first meet to actually talk about the case. To thank him for agreeing to meet with her, Pippa made muffins. This exchange is the start of their rapid-fire, somewhat-flirtatious banter.

“Real men wear floral when trespassing.”

This adorable remark is from Ravi. Pippa brought gloves along when they enter a suspect’s house so they don’t leave fingerprints. The set she brought along for Ravi are her mother’s floral gardening gloves, but it doesn’t faze him.

“We’re partners in crime after all. That means partners no matter what.”

This is also from the scene where Pippa and Ravi look for evidence, as referenced above. Ravi really doesn’t think it’s a good plan but he’s still all in.

“And though this story does have its monsters, I’ve found that it is not one that can be so easily cleaved into the good and the bad. In the end, this was a story about people and their different shades of desperation, crashing up against each other.”

Near the end of the book, Pippa ponders who is good and bad in this story. But how far we can even draw those distinctions? One thing is for sure — the characters, their motives, and guilt will be on your mind for days. This is a book that I couldn’t put down, and I think you’ll love it too.

So, what are you waiting for? Add A Good Girl’s Guide to Murder to your Goodreads or get it on Amazon today. Then read our post about its sequel, The Best Quotes from Good Girl, Bad Blood (AGGGTM 2), Explained and In Context!

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