Whether you’re stuck with a boring book assignment or are just having trouble enjoying reading, there are many reasons why you might look for ways to make reading fun. Don’t worry — this article will give you tips on how to have a good time while reading books.

Pick out a new book or try a new genre

If you’re stuck in a reading slump, try a new genre. If you normally read mysteries, why not try science fiction? Try asking a friend what their favorite book is. Don’t try to start with 18th-century Russian novels — unless you think you’ll enjoy that — but just find something light and fun to get back into reading!

Try a buddy read or join a book club

Having a reading community to talk to can help many people to feel more engaged in their books. Don’t know how to get started? Check out our post about it:

A photo of two people reading books at a table. The top of the photo fades to white and has a text overlay that reads "what a “buddy read” means and how you can get started." The website link is at the bottom of the image.

Make it a game and reward yourself

Remember summer reading programs? You’d track your reading time or number of pages read and earn prizes for hitting different benchmarks. There’s no reason you can’t make your own system — find some treats to reward yourself with! This works well both for assigned readings and getting back into reading

Try a graphic novel

Don’t skip this step if nothing else is working! Graphic novels can get a bad rap, but there are many different types to choose from. Comic books and superheroes are what most people think of, but if that’s not your thing there are many other books to check out.

If you’re hesitating because you’re not sure if reading graphic novels is reading, don’t worry — it is! A book is a book. Any way that you can enjoy reading is a good way.

Read your favorite movie or TV show

There are many popular movies and TV shows that are based on books. Why not try reading the book that it came from to have fun, when you already know that you enjoy the plot? It’s always fun to see what changed, was added, or left out when a book is adapted. Sometimes entire characters are removed or added (eg. Swiss Family Robinson).

So how can you make reading fun? Whether you’re trying to recapture the joy of reading you had in childhood, enjoy reading for the first time as an adult, or help a child or friend have fun with your favorite hobby, hopefully, these ideas help you! It might take some trial and error, but it’s worth it for the fun you can have from reading.